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Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has
- Margaret Mead
May 11, 2020
One Of Us - S1: Protecting Singapore's Migrant Workers
At the height of the COVID-19 outbreak in Singapore, Singapore’s foreign workers are urgently relocated to new and safer housing in a bid...
May 11, 2020
Concert by GIIS Interact Club raises over S$5000 to help migrant workers
On 7th of May, the students of GIIS Interact Club, organised a virtual concert in association with GIIS Band, as part of ‘Sowing Care...
May 10, 2020
信仰不同义工分发餐食给客工 扎吉哈:这令人振奋
客工关怀联盟(Alliance of Guest Workers Outreach,简称AGWO)的义工虽然大多是基督教徒,但他们在回教徒斋戒月中会在凌晨1时起床,以便准时领取凌晨3时要分发给客工的餐食。国家发展部兼人力部政务部长扎吉哈指出,来自不同信仰的志愿者一起向客工伸...
May 10, 2020
Boots for the Walk, Not Just the Talk
Two yellow wellingtons on Reverend Samuel Gift Stephen’s T-shirt are a reminder to walk a mile in the shoes of labourers in shipyards and...
May 9, 2020
Usaha ceria Ramadan pekerja asing
SERAMAI 300 pekerja asing beragama Islam yang menetap di kilang yang ditukar menjadi dormitori, Pusat Perindustrian Chinsim, menerima...
May 9, 2020
Pek Ramadan, juadah berbuka bawa keceriaan kepada pekerja asing
Sebanyak 3,500 sejadah diagihkan Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (MUIS) sejak dua hari lalu kepada pekerja asing yang tinggal di kilang yang...
May 9, 2020
He searches for foreign workers in forgotten dorms
Every day since the start of April, he has been exploring the nooks and crannies in Tuas, looking for small factory-converted dorms...
May 8, 2020
Virus spread in dorms not just down to poor conditions: Tan Chuan-Jin
Caption: Mr Tan Chuan-Jin and volunteers packing care packs for migrant workers as part of an initiative by Hope Initiative Alliance, at...
May 8, 2020
Singaporeans' efforts to help those hit by coronavirus pandemic encouraging: Tan Chuan-Jin
It is a reflection of society's maturity that Singaporeans are stepping forward to help those affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and the...
May 8, 2020
Pek penjagaan diagih kepada 12k pekerja asing
SEBILANGAN warga Singapura menghabiskan masa hari cuti umum Hari Vesak semalam dengan menyumbang tenaga dan masa melakukan kerja-kerja...
May 8, 2020
少数宿舍确实不达标 陈川仁:但不能一概而论
本地部分客工宿舍的环境确实很糟糕,但也有好些其实不错。国会议长陈川仁强调,政府会继续严厉取缔违例的宿舍经营者,但也呼吁国人不要一概而论,一竹竿打翻全船人。 本地多个客工宿舍暴发冠状病毒疾病疫情,宿舍里拥挤的生活环境瞬间备受关注。国会议长陈川仁昨日随义工到客工宿舍分发物资时,...
May 7, 2020
客工关怀联盟今早送暖 礼篮赠1万2000名客工
(早报讯)冠病疫情在客工社群传播,令本地绝大部分客工无法离开宿舍,生活也面对极大挑战。政府积极的改善他们的生活情况,本地义工组织也尽己之力,伸出援手。 由希望工程联盟(Hope Initiative Alliance)发起的客工关怀联盟(Alliance of Guest...
May 7, 2020
为了配合严格的抗疫举措,我国绝大部分客工无法离开宿舍,日常生活中需要忍受诸多不便。在政府积极改善客工宿舍生活情况的同时,本地义工组织也尽己之力,为客工提供生活所需。 由希望工程联盟(Hope Initiative Alliance)发起的客工关怀联盟(Alliance of...
May 7, 2020
“他们也是我们” 希望工程联盟与数机构合作为客工送上爱心礼包
“因为他们也是我们的一分子。” 新加坡报业控股华文媒体集团新闻中心记者陈慧琳(23岁)简单的一句话,包含了她对客工社群的感谢与共勉之情。她在休周假的那天,与其他义工一起包装“爱心礼篮”,准备今天分发给居住在工厂改造宿舍的客工。 由希望工程联盟(Hope Initiative...
May 4, 2020
Make A Difference: Causes to Donate Your COVID-19 Solidarity Payout
The outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic has put life as we know it on standstill. During these difficult times, there are many people...
May 2, 2020
Coronavirus: after Little India riot, Singapore promised migrant workers decent housing. What happened?
Migrant workers living in a factory-converted dormitory collect food delivered by the Alliance of Guest Workers Outreach NGO. Photo:...
May 2, 2020
Pemerintah, majikan dan NGO main peranan aktif jaga kebajikan pekerja asing di dormitori, dedah Zaqy
Setakat sehingga hujung minggu ini, lebih 10 juta makanan disediakan melalui khidmat katering untuk para pekerja asing yang menetap di 43...
Apr 30, 2020
客工关怀联盟募集物资善款 为1万2000客工准备卫塞节爱心礼篮
我国目前每天新增的冠病确诊病例,大多是住在宿舍的客工,本地多个义工组织积极为客工筹集物资与善款,为他们送暖打气。 下个星期四(5月7日)卫塞节,由希望工程联盟(Hope Initiative Alliance,简称HIA)发起的客工关怀联盟(Alliance of...
Apr 29, 2020
Safe Sound Sleeping Places (S3P) for the Homeless
Apart from guest workers and underprivileged communities, the COVID-19 has also affected vulnerable homeless individuals. With many...
Apr 29, 2020
1100家工厂改建宿舍急需物资和餐食支援 本地社团和企业:我们罩着你
随着病毒阻断措施(Circuit Breaker)的收紧,除了在必要服务领域工作的客工,其他客工一律不得每日出入宿舍。他们买不到必需品,也不能到公用厨房下厨。 那么,他们的一日三餐等生活所需如何解决?大型的专用宿舍的20多万名客工的三餐,在当局的协调下由大型餐饮供应商负责提...
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