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Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has
- Margaret Mead

Apr 17, 2020
Woman orders $100 worth of food for foreign workers stuck in Punggol dormitory. Here's how you can help others like them
As the numbers for new Covid-19 cases continue to rise in Singapore, particularly amongst foreign workers in Singapore where a record 654...

Apr 16, 2020
Either make more babies or embrace foreign workers: Daniel Moss
Foreign workers wearing protective masks queue for free meals distributed by Alliance of Guest Workers Outreach at Little India on April...

Apr 14, 2020
七个月没有工作的客工萨哈布丁(Sahabuddin,29岁)每日三餐都依靠社会服务团体提供才能温饱。 冠病疫情在客工社群中日益扩大,对他这种持特别准证(Special Pass)的人无疑是雪上加霜。因为工资纠纷,他没了工作,只能寄居在朋友位于小印度的房间,等待回孟加拉。...

Apr 9, 2020
S’poreans give S$345,000 to help foreign workers after Covid-19 cases spike in dormitories called ‘squalid’ by some
The increased spotlight on the plight of foreign workers and their vulnerability in the Covid-19 crisis has led to an outpouring of...

Apr 1, 2020
The Innkeeper’s Project: Help for the Homeless
Staying true to our mission to be an aggregator of assistance and services among hundreds of organisations and associates, Hope...

Mar 27, 2020
希望工程联盟5000份礼包 派送50小型团体
慈善团体希望工程联盟在九家机构的支持下,向超过50个小型慈善和宗教团体捐出5000份礼包,协助这些小型团体为有需者提供物资。 在冠病疫情笼罩下,为了帮助在索取物资上有困难的小型慈善和宗教团体,希望工程联盟(Hope Initiative...

Mar 26, 2020
Coronavirus: Charities to distribute care packs to over 5,000 vulnerable individuals
More than 50 charitable organisations will distribute care packs of surgical masks, hand sanitisers and food items to more than 5,000...

Mar 26, 2020
Koronavirus: Pakej penjagaan untuk lebih 5,000 penduduk memerlukan
LEBIH daripada 50 badan amal telah mengagihkan pakej penjagaan yang mempunyai pelitup, sanitiser tangan dan barangan makanan kepada lebih...

Feb 29, 2020
Smyrna AG Supports Guest Workers with AGWO Initiative
Singapore has relied on the labor contributions of guest workers since its early years. These guest workers have played significant roles...

Jan 20, 2020
职总家庭佣工中心与四机构合作 加强对女佣支援
全国职工总会家庭佣工中心庆祝成立四周年,分别与四个机构签署备忘录,加强合作伙伴的网络,从而为在本地工作的女佣提供更好的支援。 这四个机构为星展银行、客工外展联盟(Alliance of Guest Workers Outreach)、国际调解员协会和信义会关怀社区服务(Lu...

Jan 19, 2020
Centre for Domestic Employees signs four MOUs to enhance foreign maids' rights and welfare
The Centre for Domestic Employees (CDE), a centre set up by the National Trades Union Congress to help distressed workers, has signed a...

Dec 26, 2019
Opening Doors and Building a More Inclusive Singapore with Just An Extra Chair
Living apart from their families, for long periods of time, can be a lonely experience for guest workers here. Many of them may also be...

Dec 18, 2019
As the son of a migrant, this pastor wants to help migrant workers in Singapore
Given the extensive help he’s provided migrant workers in Singapore over the years, it was surprising to hear Reverend Samuel Gift...

Dec 15, 2019
Feast of Appreciation for Migrant Domestic Workers
Widely celebrated festive seasons, such as Christmas, are especially meaningful because they bring families and loved ones together over...

Jul 11, 2019
Celebration of Hope continues with Singapore’s migrant worker community
The Celebration of Hope (COH) is not over. Many from the migrant worker community in Singapore may not have made it to the national...

Feb 28, 2019
Our Place in the World – a Bicentennial Fundraising Initiative for the Marginalised Communities
A Bicentennial Fundraising Initiative for the Marginalised Communities 2019 marks Singapore’s bicentennial year. As we commemorate her...

Feb 11, 2019
Tan Chuan-Jin’s Nat-Geo Worthy Photos Unite Politicians At Far East Plaza
Nature photography fanatics, here’s a photo exhibition that you can look forward to till 28 Feb for that spark of inspiration. No, there...

Feb 7, 2019
Tan Chuan-Jin’s Photography Tells Us More About the Man Than His Social Media Ever Will
Tan Chuan-Jin is, in his own words, a “self-conscious” man. Despite picking up photography in 1988, he remains hesitant to start shooting...

Jan 31, 2019
Tan Chuan-Jin took some photos & had an exhibition for charitable causes. It was nice.
Most people probably know Tan Chuan-Jin as Singapore's Speaker of Parliament. What is less likely known is that he is also a photography...

Jan 31, 2019
Photo exhibition by Speaker of Parliament Tan Chuan-Jin raises $600,000 for charities
Amid the photographs of scenic landscapes lay a sombre message from Singapore's Speaker of Parliament Tan Chuan-Jin, who launched a...
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