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Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has
- Margaret Mead

Nov 7, 2021
大士南休闲中心接下来每个星期都将为客工提供宗教活动和线上课程。 超过7000名客工过去四天参与了由客工关怀联盟举办的屠妖节嘉年华活动。人力部兼国防部高级政务部长扎吉哈在今天举行的活动上说,为客工提供精神服务如宗教活动至关重要。 Read more

Nov 5, 2021
Travel agency, booking sites seek donations of SingapoRediscovers Vouchers for tours catering to migrant workers, less privileged
A travel agency is calling on Singaporeans to donate their unused SingapoRediscovers vouchers to gift a free tour to a migrant worker,...

Nov 4, 2021
பகிர்வதற்காகத்தானே பண்டிகை - வெளிநாட்டு ஊழியர்களுடன் தீபாவளியைக் கொண்டாடிய சிங்கப்பூரர்கள்
பண்டிகைக் காலத்தை உற்றார், உறவினர்களுடன் கொண்டாடும் மகிழ்ச்சியே தனி. அந்த வாய்ப்பு இங்குள்ள வெளிநாட்டு ஊழியர்களுக்கு இல்லை என்பதை கவனித்த...

Nov 3, 2021
“I miss my family so long”: Migrant workers stuck in S’pore welcome Deepavali cheer from NGOs
Mathiyalagan Annalakshmi Ranjithkumar, 26, typically spends Deepavali enjoying fun activities with friends and family, such as playing...

Oct 16, 2021
Portraits of Kindness: Volunteering with migrant workers teaches him about the true spirit of giving
When the circuit breaker happened last year, non-profit organisations and volunteers were quick to find ways to help their beneficiaries...

Sep 26, 2021
客工宿舍返回小印度活动 商家生意多一成
越来越多住在宿舍的客工回到小印度活动,受访商家表示重返社区试点计划推行头两个星期,生意多了一成,不过碍于社区病例居高不下,增添活动后的客工休闲中心却热不起来。 随着屠妖节的脚步临近,小印度也热闹起来。据了解,在重返社区的试点计划下,每周到访的宿舍客工已从160人增加到220...

Sep 11, 2021
Meal Distribution to the Marginalised Community and Healthcare Workers
On 11 September 2021, Life Centre Community Services and Hope Initiative Alliance (HIA) will be distributing festive meals to about 100...

Aug 8, 2021
Migrant workers, foreign domestic workers treated to National Day virtual show
Migrant workers and foreign domestic workers were treated to a virtual National Day cultural show on Sunday night (Aug 8) to top off...

Aug 1, 2021
This 'mum' to migrant workers in S'pore cooks for them & sets up homely rest areas in dorms
In February 2020, Priya Madan Mohan left her job as a senior finance executive, in the hopes of taking a year-long break after decades of...

Jul 20, 2021
“We’re supporting you!”: 150 children bake goodies to encourage migrant workers
Over the June holidays, more than 150 children banded together to bake cupcakes and cookies for some 7,000 migrant workers, to thank them...

Jul 17, 2021
The Big Read: Grappling with isolation, migrant workers in dorms long for a return to the wider community
The Alliance of Guest Workers Outreach (AGWO) receives at least one or two calls related to mental health issues on average each day from...

Jul 7, 2021
新加坡律师公会义务律师事务所和逾20个援助外籍劳工的组织组成联盟,以协助客工、外籍女佣和相关人士更好地了解和善用现有资源与援助,并方便各方协调法律援助工作。联盟旨在集结各方力量和资源,以更好地帮助外籍劳工,援助范畴并不限于法律方面。 律师公会义务律师事务所(Pro Bono...

Jun 7, 2021
Loving the Foreigners—Even When They Have a Deadly Disease
When Singapore detected its first case of COVID-19 in January 2020, containment seemed manageable—until the disease started spreading...

May 24, 2021
Safety in action, not words; workers’ lives paramount in transport debate: Panel
How many more migrant workers in Singapore have to die or be injured before their safety becomes the only factor to consider when...

May 15, 2021
Pekerja migran dihargai sempena Aidilfitri
SEKATAN pergerakan Covid-19 diketatkan lagi, namun, lebih daripada 2,600 pekerja migran di 30 dormitori masih dapat menikmati hidangan...

May 14, 2021
开斋节送暖 客工自行领取餐食减少接触
疫情当下的开斋节也不忘传递温暖,客工关怀联盟今年首次通过免接触方式,向居住在30所工厂改建宿舍的约2600名客工分发餐食和缠腰布。 社区病例卷土重来,各项防疫措施收紧,希望工程联盟(Hope Initiative Alliance)旗下的客工关怀联盟(Alliance of...

May 14, 2021
2,600 வெளிநாட்டு ஊழியர்களுக்கு விழாக்கால உற்சாகம்
கடுமையான கொவிட்-19 கட்டுப்பாடுகள் மீண்டும் நடப்புக்குக் கொண்டுவரப்பட்டுள்ளன. இக்கட்டுப்பாடுகளுக்கு இடையிலும் 30...

May 13, 2021
Alliance of Guest Workers Outreach Celebrates Hari Raya Puasa with Guest Workers Amidst Strict COVID
On 13 May 2021, the Alliance of Guest Workers Outreach (AGWO)—a movement of Hope Initiative Alliance (HIA)—distributed festive meals and...

May 13, 2021
Volunteer groups distribute food, gifts to migrant workers confined in dorms to spread Hari Raya cheer
Several social service organisations have banded together to spread some festive cheer to low-wage foreign workers confined in...

May 13, 2021
2,600 migrant workers receive festive meals amid second Hari Raya with Covid-19 restrictions
Strict Covid-19 regulations are again in place but 2,600 or so migrant workers across 30 factory-converted dormitories still enjoyed a...
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