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Hope Initiative Alliance promotes good neighbourliness by inducing acts of love, compassion and empathy for residents who are in financial difficulties and may also be unseen by the public.
Love Your (Unseen) Neighbour
Love Your Unseen Neighbour (LYUN) is a movement of Hope Initiative Alliance that provides financial and social help for low-income families and vulnerable-in-community (VIC) in Singapore, such as the elderly cardboard collectors and tissue sellers who reside in the neighbourhood areas across Singapore.
Beyond the charity, LY(U)N also promotes good neighbourliness by inducing acts of love, compassion and empathy for residents who are in financial difficulties and may also be unseen by the public.
Charity Services
Care Pack & Cash Gift Distribution
Self-Care Program
Child Mental Wellness Programmes

Hope Initiative Alliance is working towards supporting the 14,000 families under ComLink support and the vulnerable-in-community in different neighbourhood estates
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