On 19 June 2022, the Alliance of Domestic Employees Outreach (ADEO)—a movement of Hope Initiative Alliance (HIA)—partnered with Big At Heart and other partners to organise a pay-it-forward flea market, games, Zumba dance-together, lucky draw, photo booth, free snacks and drinks, and free dinner distribution at Bible House, in celebration of International Domestic Workers’ Day. Over 200 domestic workers joined the 2 hours celebrations.
It is very important to highlight the significance of this date for migrant domestic workers (MDWs) as we came together to appreciate and recognise their hard work. This important occasion was also to celebrate the commitment and positive contribution of the MDWs as members of our society. The Central CDC Mayor, Ms Denise Phua, attended this event on 19 June as the Guest of Honour. With the restrictions that had been eased by the Government, we are glad that all the MDWs were finally able to celebrate this occasion by gathering on a larger scale. It was really touching to listen to Ms Phua when she shared her gratitude and appreciation towards the MDWs through her own experience of having a helper in the family. “I would not have been able to take on my various jobs, had it not been for the angels sent my way - our family’s domestic helper(s). Delia has been living with us for 30 years now; and Ika, who's back in Indonesia, treated my mom who had Alzheimer’s disease like her own. Hence my sincere gratitude when I met many domestic helpers today; at the celebration of International Domestic Workers’ Day.” During the event, the items put up at the flea market were all new and/or pre-loved in good condition, and were tagged with a price of as low as $2, so as to make it affordable for the MDWs. The proceeds from the flea market are used to benefit MDWs in future ADEO events. There were also lucky draws, games stations and a zumba session led by a volunteer trainer to relieve some stress of the MDWs from their daily work. Towards the end of the event, free snacks and dinner were also provided. “We enjoyed the event very much and we feel very happy, because it is my first time to win the lucky draw. We also bought so many things at the flea market because all the items are very cheap, only $2,” shared Joji, a domestic worker who won the first prize of the lucky draw.
This celebration was a continuation to provide holistic care for the MDWs, which began from the Life Training that had been happening monthly to improve their quality of well-being and mental wellness. If you wish to support us through donation or volunteer for projects under ADEO/HIA, please email adeo@hia.sg or call us at 6304 3482.