On 15 June 2024, about 35 youth leaders from SINDA Youth Club and Sowing Care Together (SCT) Young Leaders Council coordinated the distribution of rice packs to low-income families residing in Block 462 Sembawang Drive. This initiative was a continuation of the Ramadan Charity & Volunteerism 2024 charity project by Hope Initiative Alliance’s SCT movement.
During this event, participants from the SINDA Youth Leaders Seminar (SYLS) organized befriending activities for children from approximately 40 CommLink+ families living in the block. They taught the children how to create art from recycled materials and colouring while having conversations with them. This activity was part of the experiential learning component for SYLS participants, helping them gain awareness of social services and the importance of befriending and engaging with underprivileged families and children in Singapore.
CommLink+ is a government programme that provides financial help to lower-income families, currently serving about 10,000 families in public rental flats.[1] At Hope Initiative Alliance (HIA), we support these families in various ways, including befriending exercises, helping with social welfare needs through the provision of food items and other essentials, and supporting education through literacy programmes for children aged 7-12.
Read more about TAP movement in HIA providing holistic care for children living in public rental housing.
Find out how you can be part of SCT movement promoting interfaith charity and volunteerism.
If you like to join Sinda Youth Club, visit https://bit.ly/SYCINTERESTFORM